Operation Healthy Weekend
Happy FRIDAY! We've all been through it! Stick to your plan and kill it all week and then here comes the weekend just in time to ruin all your hardwork. Easy to do, because it feels more than deserved by the time the weekend hits! But then Monday rolls in and insert the bloating, regret, and frustrations with your inability to control yourself and causing yourself to have to start over. I know I've been there! I've had to sit down and have a lot of hard conversations with myself, "is eating this worth not reaching xyz goal?" "Do I REALLY feel like starting over on Monday?" The answer is almost always NO, it's not worth it. I love how I think, look, and feel when I'm eating healthy and sticking to my plan. It's been a long process that didn't happen with the bat of an eye, but it is possible! You can break the cycle! It only takes 21 days to form a habit, thats 3 WEEKENDS to modify your lifestyle and not have to "start over" again.
Remember, this did NOT happen overnight! It takes time and a little effort. The real key here? Small steps.
Here are 5 of my favorite tips to surviving the weekend:
1. Keep a Food Journal
Write down EVERYTHING you eat. Be REALLY honest with yourself here, if you lie it WILL show on Monday. Tech Savvy? Check out apps like My Fitness Pal that make calorie counting (if that's your thing) super easy! 21 Day Fixer? Keep track of your containers! Stick to your plan, continue eating like it's a weekeday, and keep it to ONE cheat meal!
2. Don't Skip Your Workout!
It's definitely easier to blow off a workout for a good 2 days of "me" time (whatever that is). But make sure to PUSH PLAY, go for a walk, take the dogs out, ANYTHING! Continue to aim for 30 minutes of heart pumping activity to keep that metabolism boosted throughout the weekend! Higher metabolism - better choices!
3. Limit Alcohol, Increase Water Intake
Going out this weekend? Plan to drink one glass of water for every alcoholic beverage! Drinks are full of empty calories and sugar and easily ruin your pogress. Not only that, think about your food choices after you've been drinking? (2am Taco Bell run, anyone??) Usually not so good. Increase your water to alcohol ratio and you have a better chance of thinking clearer and saving your waist line. Not to mention lessening the next day crappiness.
4. Pre-Eat!
Going out to dinner? To a party? Not sure if there will be any healthy choices on the menu? Eat BEFORE you go! Drink your Shakeology or have a small meal before you head out. Once you arrive, make the even more about socializing to take the focus off the food. Snack - but watch your portion sizes!
5. Check The Menu and Ask For a Box
If you have the time or ability, check the menu and plan what you're eating before you arrive! Always ask for broiled, baked, or grilled food with no oil or butter. Stick to oil based dressings and always get them on the side. Double your veggie intake! Ask for a box as soon as your meal arrives and box up half! Easier way to keep track of portion sizes!
You owe it to yourself to not have to start over - AGAIN. Stick to your plan, stay on track. Do your workouts and pre-plan everything! Use part of the weekend to plan for the upcoming week! I promise you can do this. Everyone deserves to reach their goal - don't forget to ask yourself "will this help get me there?" You got this!!